Thyroid Problems Affect Women's Health In Many Ways


Thyroid problems affect women's health in many ways

The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in humans neck, is responsible for controlling a variety of bodily functions but problems relating to it are most common in women, says a health news on Friday.

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Dec, 2018 ) :The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in humans neck, is responsible for controlling a variety of bodily functions but problems relating to it are most common in women, says a health news on Friday.

"If you've been feeling out of sorts tired, depressed, or drastic weight changes your thyroid could be the culprit. When your thyroid isn't working properly, it can affect everything from your mood to your periods to your bone" , it says.

Thyroid works and functions in many ways such as 1). It's the engine of your body and the hormones it produces regulate your metabolism which means not only to know how many calories you burn but also how fast your heart, brain, and other organs work.

Thyroid problems are more common in women perhaps because thyroid cells are sensitive to estrogen.

It can affect your fertility as Thyroid hormones influence your menstrual cycle. Out-of-whack thyroid hormones = out-of-whack periods.

Moreover giving birth can throw it off: 10% of women develop postpartum thyroid problems.Most cases resolve within 18 months.

There are different signs of an underactive thyroid such as Fatigue, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, and depression while signs of an overactive thyroid are Irritability, weight loss, rapid heartbeat, thinning hair, bulging eyes, and shaky hands, the health news reports concluded.