All Possible Relief Being Provided To Police Personnel

All possible relief  being provided to police personnel

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has said all possible relief is being provided to police personnel regarding their professional matters and personal problems

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th May, 2024) Inspector General of Police (IGP) Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has said all possible relief is being provided to police personnel regarding their professional matters and personal problems.

He expressed these views while giving instructions and meeting the police employees and their families at the Central Police Office here on Thursday.

The IGP directed the supervisory officers to maintain close liaison with their subordinate staff, as the best commander, solve their problems immediately so that they can focus all their attention on protecting the lives and properties of citizens and eradicating the crimes. IG Punjab met the police employees and their families at the Central Police Office and after listening to their requests, issued orders to provide immediate relief. He directed the DIG Welfare & Finance to provide relief on the request of Rawalpindi Police Constable Imran Khan's for medical bills. He directed the DIG Establishment One to provide relief on merit on the promotion request of Sub-Inspector Muhammad Asghar Khan.

He forwarded the application of inspector Zaheer ud din Babar (Retd) to RPO Gujranwala for immediate action.

IG Punjab instructed DIG Establishment -I to provide relief on merit on the application of ASI Muhammad Ramzan's wife related to her husband's service matters, while the application of Faisalabad Constable Noor Ahmad Shaheed's wife Sughran Bibi for provision of plot and and financial assistance was sent to the DIG Welfare for priority consideration.

IG Punjab directed officers to provide relief to applications related to promotion, recruitment and other welfare issues. He directed the officers to send the reports to the CPO after processing all the requests submitted by the police employees. He further said that the best welfare of the police force and their families is the first priority and all possible measures will continue.