Central, Provincial Govt Taking Steps To Ensure Good Governance: Governor

Central, provincial govt taking steps to ensure good governance: Governor

Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhel on Wednesday said the federal and provincial governments were taking serious steps to ensure good governance and stabilise the economic system which would yield very constructive results very soon

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhel on Wednesday said the Federal and provincial governments were taking serious steps to ensure good governance and stabilise the economic system which would yield very constructive results very soon.

While talking to a delegation consisting of provincial ministers and members of the provincial assembly under the leadership of Speaker Balochistan Assembly Abdul Khaliq Achakzai, he said that the time has come for all the newly elected public representatives to serve the people with the spirit of service.

The governor said that it was their responsibility to fulfil the promises made to the people and meet the expectations of the people.

He said that the democracy of the republic revolves around the service and welfare of the people so that the basic rights and dignity of the people could be protected.

He said that there was an important relationship between the political leadership and the people, which must be maintained in every case.

The governor Balochistan urged all parliamentarians of Pakistan Muslim League-N to maintain close and active contact with the people of their respective Constituencies at all times and in all circumstances so that they were aware of the problems and difficulties being faced by them which could be resolved on time.