Commissioner Chairs Meeting On Traffic Congestion, Smog Reduction

Commissioner chairs meeting on traffic congestion, smog reduction

Lahore Divisional Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood, chairing a significant meeting at his office on Tuesday, reviewed the city's traffic congestion and smog reduction efforts

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th May, 2024) Lahore Divisional Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood, chairing a significant meeting at his office on Tuesday, reviewed the city's traffic congestion and smog reduction efforts.

The briefing highlighted the direct correlation between traffic choke points and smog levels. The joint committee of Traffic Police and TEPA (Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning Agency) has identified 19 choke points within the city that contribute to carbon emissions. Various interventions have been proposed to reduce the emission rates at these points.

The commissioner emphasized the need for planning based on the severity of carbon emissions at each choke point.

Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Lahore Amara Athar suggested minor interventions in traffic engineering and road design at certain roads and intersections.

Lahore Development Authority (LDA) Director General Tahir Farooq reported that LDA has commenced patchwork on roads to improve traffic flow.

Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood insisted that commercial buildings should utilize their approved parking areas to alleviate parking issues and enforce regulations.

The briefing also covered the potential changes in road design, patchwork, signboards, and tire killers installations to maintain smooth traffic flow.

Lahore Deputy Commissioner Rafia Haider, LDA DG Tahir Farooq, CTO Amara Athar, Additional Commissioner Abdul Salam Arif, and Chief Engineer TEPA Iqrar Hussain attended the meeting.

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