DG KPRA Visits Regional Office Mardan

DG KPRA visits Regional Office Mardan

Director General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) Fouzia Iqbal visited Regional Office Mardan on Thursday and met KPRA team

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th May, 2024) Director General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) Fouzia Iqbal visited Regional Office Mardan on Thursday and met KPRA team.

Director Revenue Maqsood Hassan and Advisor Tax Enforcement Fazal Amin Shah accompanied her on the occasion.

Additional Collector Mardan and Malakand Region Naik Muhammad welcomed the DG at his office, they were given a detailed briefing on the revenue collection of Mardan and Malakand Region.

The DG KPRA examined sector-wise revenue collection and asked for reasons behind sudden increase and decline in revenue collection from certain sectors.

She appreciated the efforts of the team of Mardan and Malakand Region and stressed on putting up extra efforts to meet the annual revenue collection target assigned by the government to KPRA.

"Every officer of the authority has to put extra efforts to achieve the revenue target for the ongoing financial year," she said adding that officers should try to avoid litigations as revenue gets stuck indefinitely in courts and try for resolving issues on table.

The DG also listened to the issues of Mardan and Malakand Region team and assured to address the same at earliest.
