HESCO's Lineman Assaulted During Action Against Power Theft

HESCO's lineman assaulted during action against power theft

An Assistant Lineman of Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO) was allegedly assaulted and injured by 2 men during crackdown against power theft in Mumtaz Colony area

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Aug, 2023 ) :An Assistant Lineman of Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO) was allegedly assaulted and injured by 2 men during crackdown against power theft in Mumtaz Colony area.

The spokesman of HESCO Sadiq Kubar informed here on Friday that ALM Asif Molai was severely injured in the attack.

According to him, the police immediately reached the spot and arrested the suspects Sajjad Suddozai and Umair Suddozai and shifted them to the police station.

Executive Engineer of HESCO Gari Khata Sub Division, Syed Aqib Abbass Shah and SDO Raj's Abdul Wahab Memon reached Makki Shah police station to register the case.