Kohat Cracks Down On Illegal Encroachments

Kohat cracks down on illegal encroachments

KOHAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) The Kohat administration on Wednesday has launched a decisive operation against illegal encroachments in various markets in Kohat.

According to DC Office, under the watchful eye of Deputy Commissioner Dr. Azmatullah Wazir, the anti-encroachment drive has already started yielding results, with temporary encroachments removed and public thoroughfares cleared.

The operation initiated in response to provincial government orders, has seen the removal of illegal temporary encroachments from public roads and footpaths in markets including the main bazaar of Kohat.

Led by Encroachment Inspector Nimatur Rahman, Supervisor Yasir Afridi and anti-encroachment staff, the drive aims to facilitate smooth transportation and enhance the overall market experience.

With the elimination of encroachments, markets are now more accessible and easier to navigate, much to the relief of locals and traders alike.


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