MPA Daud Afridi Raids Tehsil Hospital Lachi

MPA Daud Afridi raids Tehsil Hospital Lachi

KOHAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Member Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Daud Shah Afridi Advocate raided at the Type-D Hospital of Tehsil Lachi District Kohat of his Constituency at around 1:00 p.m. late Saturday night and checked the staff attendance, stock register, OPD record and medical facilities being provided in the hospital.

He also reviewed the cleanliness situation in the hospital.

The MPA also apprised himself of the problems of medical staff and patients.

He called upon the doctors to have a compassionate attitude with patients.

Daud Shah Afridi, in his message on this occasion, clarified that any doctor or government official and officer who will do his duty in Kohat, will have to do it in accordance with the public wishes adding that they will be rewarded accordingly and whoever will neglect his duty, will not stay in Kohat again.

He himself believes in selfless service to the public and expects the same from government officials also. The MPA declared, there is no place here for those who do not do their duty.