Muslim Institute Organises Walk To Mark Kashmir Solidarity Day

Muslim Institute organises walk to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day

The Muslim Institute organised a walk from China Chowk Blue Area to the National Press Club here Friday to express solidarity with Kashmiris

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Feb, 2021 ) :The Muslim Institute organised a walk from China Chowk Blue Area to the National Press Club here Friday to express solidarity with Kashmiris.

A large number of people from different walks of life including members of civil society, political and social sector, students, lawyers and journalists participated in the rally marking the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Ahmed Quraishi, Executive Director of YFK-International Kashmir Lobby Group, Faiz Naqashbandi, Convener APHC, Lt. General (Retd) Abdul Qayyum, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali, Chairman Muslim Institute, Prof Dr Muhammad Khan, Former HOD, International Relations, National Defence University, Brig Asif Haroon Raja (Retd), defence analyst, Ms Farzana Yaqoob, Former Minister, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Former Convenor APHC, Dr Nasrullah Mirza, Dept of Defence & Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Muhammad Tahir Tabassum, President, Institute of Peace and Development (INSPAD), Ms Shameem Shaal, women rights activist and Abdul Hamid Lone, human rights activist spoke on the occasion.

The speakers urged the world forums, governments and rights bodies to play their role in stopping atrocities in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

They said the Indians would have to end their illegal occupation of Kashmir and Junagadh state. "India is not a country but a region. Like Europe, every nation living here has the right to a separate homeland. Movements like Khalistan have exposed the black face of India in the disguise of so-call world's largest democracy. Now is the time that not only the Indian occupation of Kashmir and Junagadh would end but also other freedom movements in India would see the dawn of their just rights." They said they were grateful to the visionary approach of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that he timely judged the extremist Hindu mentality and made it possible for the Muslims of India to have a separate state.

The speakers said both the Kashmir and Junagadh issues are based on India's duplicitous policy. There should be regular work on Kashmir and Junagadh issues by Pakistani missions abroad and Pakistanis living there could also play an important role in that regard. Various programs should be organized on the issue of Junagadh along with Kashmir because Kashmir was the jugular vein of Pakistan and Junagadh was its heart.

They said the Pakistani nation stood with the Kashmiri people and would continue every kind of political, diplomatic and moral support till their freedom from Indian occupying forces.

"Kashmir is a disputed territory under the resolutions of the United Nations," they added.

The speakers added that draconian laws had been enforced in the occupied Kashmir by India to suppress the demand for self-determination by its people. They, however, admired sthe trong will of Kashmiris to respond courageously to the torment and illegal detention by India.

They said the settlement of Hindus in held Kashmir was the artificial dressing of Indian democratic front to counter the self-determination struggle. By not giving the right of self-determination to Kashmiris, India had exposed its claim of the so-called world's largest democracy.

The speakers stressed that the Kashmir issue should be resolved in conformity with the UN Security Council resolutions in line with the will of Kashmiris on a humanitarian basis and the international community should play an effective role in that regard.

The human rights organizations should take notice of flagrant violations of fundamental human rights by the Indian state apparatus and declare the same as state terrorism, he added.

The Muslim countries, they said, should put diplomatic and political pressure on India so it resolved the Kashmir dispute according to its pledges. Pakistan should also brief the UNSC on the current situation in Kashmir.