No Death Reported In Mujahid Colony Incident,DPO


No death reported in Mujahid colony incident,DPO

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) District Police Officer Dr.Asad Ejaz Malhi on Monday said that no death was reported in desecration of Holy Quran incident in Mujahid colony on May 26,2024.

During a press conference here,he said that police after giving timely response rescued ten members of two Christian families which were the real target of the aggressive mob.

Asad Ejaz Malhi said that at least ten police officers and officials were injured during the incident.

He said that police showed exemplary bravery to control the uncontrolled situation.

Asad told that some of social media web channels had spreading unauthentic news regarding the death of some persons in the incident which were totally fake .

He appealed media to avoid spreading fake news whereas investigation of the sad incident was underway and action will be taken against them under terrorism act.