Political Stability, National Dialogue Vital For Progress: PML-N MNA

Political stability, national dialogue vital for progress: PML-N MNA

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Member National Assembly (MNA) PML-N Shazra Mansab Ali Khan Kharal stressed on Wednesday that political stability, grand national dialogue, and continuity of fruitful policies were vital for ensuring the country's progress.

"Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) needs to play an active role in Parliament as a real opposition to strengthen the democratic process," she added.

Talking to the ptv news channel, she asked that PTI support the government over national issues.

She said, "Democracy is the only solution to resolve issues faced by the country."

"PML-N is a democratic force in the country, and it will play an active role for the betterment of the country," she added.

She said, "PML-N wants to work for the development of the country and bring out the citizens from crises who have been left in miserable condition for so long."

 The MNA said the country's development should not be compromised for the sake of politics.

"Political stability will lead to the economic stability of the country," Shazra Mansab said.

Replying to a question, she said, "Our government policies are attracting foreign investors; however, foreign investment will help put the country on the path of progress and soon will bring economic stability."