Providing Security To Business Community Top Priority: RPO


Providing security to business community top priority: RPO

Regional Police Officer (RPO) Baber Sarfraz Alpa has said that the business community was the country’s asset and providing security to businessmen was the prime task of the police

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Regional Police Officer (RPO) Baber Sarfraz Alpa has said that the business community was the country’s asset and providing security to businessmen was the prime task of the police.

Talking to a delegation of Anjuman Tajran led by President Sharjil Mir at his office, he said that problems faced by the business community would be resolved on priority and no stone would be left unturned. He told the delegation that the patrolling arrangements were being enhanced to control the crimes while ladies' police would be deployed in women’s shopping areas.

On the occasion, the RPO directed the concerned officials to deploy more traffic wardens to smooth traffic flow in busy areas and asked the concerned departments to eliminate encroachments.

Speaking on the occasion, the delegation head, Sharjil Mir said the trader's community has always cooperated with the administration and owing to encroachments and traffic jams, business activities were disturbing in the interior city. He demanded the government to take strict action against elements involved in street crimes and purse snatching from women in the city shopping areas.

He felicitated the RPO on assuming the charge.