Regional Police Officer Rawalpindi Visited Attock, Attended The Martyrs' Memorial


Regional Police Officer Rawalpindi visited Attock, attended the martyrs' memorial

Regional Police Officer (RPO) Rawalpindi Babar Sarfraz Alpa visited Police Lines Attock to attend the martyrs memorial and laid floral wreath

ATTOCK, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Regional Police Officer (RPO) Rawalpindi Babar Sarfraz Alpa visited Police Lines Attock to attend the martyrs memorial and laid floral wreath.

In the conference held at Police Lines, the RPO heard the problems of the police officers and youths and issued orders to solve them on the spot and distributed certificates of appreciation to the police officers who showed good performance.

The RPO said that all police officers should serve the public and provide prompt justice as their motto to increase the honor and dignity of the police department. "Make hard work and honesty is your motto", he added.

Later, RPO Rawalpindi reviewed the ongoing development works in Police Lines Attock and DPO Office Attock.