Transporters Directed To Slash Fares By 5% On All Routes


Transporters directed to slash fares by 5% on all routes

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Rawalpindi Hasan Waqar Cheema Sunday said that transporters had been directed to bring down fares by 5 percent on all routes in Rawalpindi after latest reduction in petroleum products.

According to a DC office spokesman, the DC while reviewing the reduction of the fares after drop of petroleum products and cleanliness arrangements at the bus stands ordered that the list of the fares should be displayed at prominent places at all bus stands.

A special squad had been formed to check the fares on a daily basis to implement the reduction in fares, the spokesman said adding, the banners were also being displayed at bus stands and Suzuki stops to provide awareness to the public regarding the reduction in the fares.

A complaint cell was also being established in the office of the Secretary Regional Transport Authority (RTA) to register complaints regarding fares, he said.

Special attention on the instructions of the DC, was being given to the cleanliness at the bus stands.

The spokesman informed that on the directives of the Punjab government, certificates would be issued to the managements of the bus stands for good cleanliness arrangements at the bus stands.

The citizens could get registered their complaints on RTA's Complainant Cell number, 051-9270011, he added.