Tribunal Acquitted Two Persons Involved In Infringement Of Copyright, Trademark


Tribunal acquitted two persons involved in infringement of copyright, trademark

An Intellectual Property Tribunal on Saturday acquitted two accused involved in infringement of copyright and trademark after holding that the police could not investigate such matters

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31st Jul, 2021 ) :An Intellectual Property Tribunal on Saturday acquitted two accused involved in infringement of copyright and trademark after holding that the police could not investigate such matters.

The tribunal held that intellectual property rights organisation had sole prerogative to investigate such offences.

Intellectual Property Tribunal, Presiding officer Chaudhry Abdul Qayyum passed the orders while allowing applications filed by Bilal, and Shahbaz against registration of FIRs by police over infringement of copyright and trademark of a company.

Earlier, Advocate Sheraz Zaka on behalf of the petitioners argued that intellectual property rights organisation had the authority to investigate matters in connection with infringement of trademark and copyright whereas the police did not have any authority to investigate such matters.

He submitted that under section 13 of the Intellectual Property Act 2012, the police registered FIRs against his clients in connection with violation of copyrights and trademark and investigated the same without any authority. He pleaded with the court to quash the FIRs as the police did not have the authority for the purpose.

The court, after hearing arguments of the parties, allowed the applications and acquitted the accused of charges.

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