Eyewitness Claims Ukrainian Troops Shelled Residential Area In Mariupol To Blame Russia

Eyewitness Claims Ukrainian Troops Shelled Residential Area in Mariupol to Blame Russia

NOVOAZOVSK (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 04th March, 2022) The Ukrainian forces shelled residential area of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol with heavy weapons to blame it on Russia, a resident who managed to flee the surrounded city told Sputnik.

"At first, when there was less of their equipment in our area, they (Ukrainian forces) were massively shelling our block, saying that it was the Russians who were shelling.

But we could see where everything was coming from, we understood what was going on," the man said.

He said he and his family stayed awake day and night for nearly ten days, being under massive artillery fire.

"They just shelled residential neighborhoods for days at first. They were just pounding them," the man said.

Answering the question as to why the Ukrainian military was firing on their own city, he claimed that the goal was to "show a picture to the entire world how Russia and the DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) are killing civilians."