Mongolia, Vietnam Sign Cooperation Agreements


Mongolia, Vietnam sign cooperation agreements

ULAN BATOR, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Nov, 2023) Mongolia and Vietnam have signed several cooperation agreements, said the Mongolian presidential office on its website Thursday.

The agreements on mutual visa exemption for officials and citizens, combating transnational drug-related crime, cooperation on strategic research, and ensuring the stability of white rice trade, were signed in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi in the presence of Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh and his Vietnamese counterpart Vo Van Thuong.

The Mongolian president arrived in Vietnam Wednesday for a five-day state visit, accompanied by his high-ranking political and economic delegation.

The state visit is the first by a Mongolian president to Vietnam in 10 years and takes place before the two countries are to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of their bilateral diplomatic relations next year.

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