2024 ICC All Rounders Ranking For T20 Matches

Latest 2024 ICC T20 All Rounders Ranking, Find the current rankings of T20 International All Rounder players of Cricket teams, including their positions on points table & ratings.

# Player Rating Country
1 Wanindu Hasaranga

Wanindu Hasaranga

222 Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

2 MP Stoinis

MP Stoinis

211 Australia


3 Sikandar Raza

Sikandar Raza

208 Zimbabwe


4 Shakib Al Hasan

Shakib Al Hasan

206 Bangladesh


5 Mohammad Nabi

Mohammad Nabi

205 Afghanistan


6 Hardik Pandya

Hardik Pandya

201 India



LS Livingstone

187 England


9 AK Markram

AK Markram

186 South Africa

South Africa

10 MM Ali

MM Ali

174 England


All rounder are the important part of the cricket team as these players are good at batting as well as bowling. There are many well performing all rounder's in the t20 tournaments and matches. International cricket council provides the rankings to the ODI, test and t20 teams which also include the rankings of batsmen, bowlers and all rounder.

Urdu Point brings you the updated ICC T20 all rounder rankings so you can visit this page for these. Moreover all kinds of matches schedule and live score board is also accessible.

International Cricket Council latest T20 Ranking For All Rounders in 2024. According to the points table, Wanindu Hasaranga of Team Sri Lanka is on Top position with 222 ratings. MP Stoinis of Team Australia holds the second position with 211 ratings. Sikandar Raza of Team Zimbabwe is on third position with 208 ratings. Shakib Al Hasan of Team Bangladesh is on 4th position with 206 ratings. Mohammad Nabi of Team Afghanistan is on 5th position with 205 ratings. Hardik Pandya of Team India is on 6th position with 201 ratings. LS Livingstone of Team England is on 8th position with 187 ratings. AK Markram of Team South Africa is on 9th position with 186 ratings. MM Ali of Team England is on 10th position with 174 ratings.