FTO To Chair Central Advisory Committee Tomorrow


FTO to chair central advisory committee tomorrow

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Minister of State and Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) Dr Asif Mahmood Jah will chair a high-level meeting of the central advisory committee to review the overall performance and take stock of the problems being faced by tax payers here tomorrow (Monday).

FTO Adviser Dr Waqarullah Chaudhry told media here Sunday that the 50-member advisory committee consisting of presidents of chambers of commerce, women chambers, APTMA, seed associations, prominent trade associations, tax bar associations and Anjuman-I-Tajran have been invited to attend the meeting and members who are unable to come to Lahore, can join through video link.

All Advisors, FTO, Secretariat, Regional offices of Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad, Sialkot Gujranwala and Chief Inland Revenue Policy and Chief Sales Tax (Inland Revenue of Federal board of Revenue would also join the meeting.

He mentioned that the main purpose of the meeting is to enhance the interaction with the business community, know their tax-related problems and help solve their legitimate concerns.