RPO Congratulates Samia Saleem Over Clinching Success In CSS, Joining Police Force

RPO congratulates Samia Saleem over clinching success in CSS, joining police force

Regional Police Officer (RPO) Muhammad Sohail Chaudhary met with Samia Saleem, who passed the Central Superior Services (CSS) exams

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Regional Police Officer (RPO) Muhammad Sohail Chaudhary met with Samia Saleem, who passed the Central Superior Services (CSS) exams.

He congratulated the candidate and her parents on the success and on joining the police force.

He urged the candidate to perform her duties with patriotism.

RPO also presented a commemorative shield on behalf of the Multan Region Police and praised her passion and courage.

Samia Saleem, daughter of Bahauddin Zakariya University driver Rana Muhammad Saleem resident of Basti Nou Nawabpur road, Multan, made her family proud by achieving success in CSS exams.