Use Of Chemical Weapons; An IOFs' Ploy To Suppress Freedom Voices

Use of chemical weapons; an IOFs' ploy to suppress freedom voices

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Sep, 2021 ) :Indian Occupation Forces (IOFs) have resorted to possible use of chemical weapons to suppress the Kashmiris' voices for freedom in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Upon failure to suppress the Kashmiris' uprising, the IOFs in IIOJK had been using the banned weapons as the charred bodies of Kashmiri youth killed in the so-called cordon and search operations bore testimony to the suspected use of chemical weapons.

A dossier by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, that in the last five years, 37 Kahmiris had been burnt by IOFs, mostly by using chemical weapons.

The bodies were burnt to such an extent that they were beyond recognition.

In December 2016, the first incident of probable use of chemical weapons by the Indian army was reported in Anantnag which resulted in killing of 22-year-old boy Majid Zargar.

On July 4, 2017, at Bahmnoo area of district Pulwama, IOFs killed Jehangri Khanday, Kiyfayat Ahmad and Faisal Ahmad, by using chemical weapons.

On November 2018, Mukhtar Ahmad Khan and Muhammad Amin Mir were killed by the Indian forces in Kupwara the most likely with the use of chemical weapon during cordon and search operation.

On June 26, 2020, IOFs carried out another operation in Tral area of district Pulwama in which they destroyed 18 houses and burnt three youth by suspected use of an unknown chemical which not only burnt the bodies but also de-shaped them by converting them into a lump of clay.