12-point Code Of Ethics Approved For Peace During Muharram: Tahir Ashrafi

12-point code of ethics approved for peace during Muharram: Tahir Ashrafi

Chairman Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC) and Special Representative to PM on Interfaith Harmony Hafiz Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi said on Thursday that Ulema-o-Mashaikh of all schools of thought had approved a 12-point code of ethics for peace and tranquility during the holy month of Muharram-ul-Haram

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Jul, 2023 ):Chairman Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC) and Special Representative to PM on Interfaith Harmony Hafiz Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi said on Thursday that Ulema-o-Mashaikh of all schools of thought had approved a 12-point code of ethics for peace and tranquility during the holy month of Muharram-ul-Haram.

Addressing a press conference after attending the meeting of Ulema & Mashaikh here, he said that Ulema and Mashaikh were united to ensure religious harmony and brotherhood during Muharram-ul-Haram and they would not support anyone who would cause any kind of anarchy or unrest in the country.

He expressed grave concern over bomb attack on a mosque in Khyber and said that all religious scholars would condemn the incident strongly during Juma sermon on Friday in addition to sensitizing the nation about nefarious designs of anti-state and anti-Islam elements.

He said that war against terrorism was clamped on Pakistan after 9/11 incident in United States.

However, brave armed forces dealt this horrific issue amicably and foiled all nefarious designs of terrorists, he added.

He said that authentic Ulema of all schools of thought had issued edict (Fatwa) against terrorist's attack and appealed to the general public to play their dynamic role for national solidarity and integrity.

"Islam is a religion of love and peace which does not allow destroying or harming anyone's life or property", he said, adding that in this connection, the PUC approved 12-point code of ethics so that religious harmony, brotherhood and peace could be ensured during Muharram-ul-Haraam.

Earlier, Ulema-o-Makhaikh meeting unanimously adopted a resolution against burning and desecration of the Holy Quran script in Sweden and Denmark and condemned it.

They also demanded the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to immediately cut off its relations and association with Sweden and Denmark in addition to sending back their ambassadors from OIC member states.

Maulana Riaz Ahmad Kharl, Allama Tahir, Qari Aminul Haq, Aslam Bhalli, Amin Buttand others were also present on the occasion.