AC Crackdown On Price Violations, Encroachments In Nellore Sub-Division

AC crackdown on price violations, encroachments in Nellore Sub-Division

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Jan, 2024) In a proactive move directed by the Deputy Commissioner of Islamabad Irfan Nawaz Memon, the Assistant Commissioner Nellore on Thursday undertook a thorough inspection of various localities within the Nellore Sub-Division.

Focusing on Lehtadar Road and its adjacent areas, the official conducted an extensive price check operation to ensure fair practices, ICT spokesman Dr Abdullah Tabasum said.

During the inspection, AC Nellore took decisive action against those found guilty of overcharging and violating regulations, including the use of plastic bags and non-compliance at the DC counter.

The penalties, including fines, were promptly imposed to uphold market fairness.

The crackdown extended beyond pricing concerns, as six loader rickshaw owners were handed over to the police for obstructing roads. Additionally, two van drivers, two fruit vendors, and a Suzuki driver faced similar consequences for their actions, being transferred to the police station.

During the operation, strict warnings were issued to other potential violators. This assertive initiative reflects the commitment of the authorities to maintain order and fairness in the area, ensuring that both vendors and citizens adhere to established guidelines."