AJK President For No Compromise On Kashmir Freedom Struggle


AJK President for no compromise on Kashmir freedom struggle

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Mar, 2021 ) :The Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are going through the most critical period of their history but they will not compromise on their freedom and right to self-determination.

He expressed these views while talking to media at Kashmir House here on Saturday along with Prof Dr Farhan Mujahid Chak and leaders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, AJK Chapter.

The state president said that the people of occupied Kashmir had offered unprecedented sacrifices for their freedom and the right to self-determination and kept the Kashmir issue alive, and the state of Pakistan had always supported them in their just struggle.

In spite of all out difficulties, the Kashmiris are determined to take their liberation struggle to its ultimate goal, he added. Terming the Kashmir issue as an international dispute that exists at the agenda of the United Nations Security Council as an unresolved issue, President Khan said that the ceasefire agreement between Pakistan and India on the Line of Control will not put the Kashmir issue on the back burner.

"The LoC agreement aims to reduce tensions along the Line of Control and ensure the safety of human lives. It is in no way indicates that the issue of Kashmir will be put to the back burner," he emphasized.

The President said that the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir kept the Kashmir issue alive by offering unprecedented sacrifices for freedom and their birthright, right to self-determination.

The AJK president maintained that by virtue of the sacrifices of the Kashmiri people and efforts of their sympathizers and well-wishers, the Kashmir conflict is today echoing in the leading parliaments of the world, and the rights of Kashmiri people are being extensively discussed in the US Congress besides the parliaments of the UK, Europe and ASEAN states.

"This is ample proof that the international community now sees the Kashmiri issue in the context of ground realities instead of believing in the false and unfounded Indian narrative," he added.

Sardar Masood Khan said that India is settling its non-Kashmiri citizens in the disputed territory under the heinous plan of perpetuating its illegal occupation of Kashmir, but the Kashmiri people would valiantly frustrate all its evil designs.

Speaking on this occasion, Dr Farhan Mujahid Chuk said that we would have to intensify our efforts to further project the Kashmir issue on the international level. He said that the foolish acts of the incumbent Indian regime had provided a unique opportunity to the Kashmiri people to project their cause on the international level.

Self-determination is the fundamental right of the Kashmiri people and no power on the earth can deprive them of this right, Dr Chak asserted. Other APHC leaders reiterated their pledge to continue the liberation struggle relentlessly despite all odds Responding to various questions, the AJK president said that we would have to see whether India is sincere in resolving the Kashmir issue through talks or like in the past, it is using the talks offer as a time-buying ploy.

To another question, Sardar Masood Khan said that we have great expectations from the new US Administration and we hope that President Biden besides activating the UN Security Council on the Kashmir issue will exert pressure on the Indian Government to secure an end to human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

Among the All Party Hurriyat Conference leaders who were present on the occasion were Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, Hussain Khatib, Ms Shamim Shawl