Alhamra And Qatar Islamic Art Museum Forge New Cultural Partnership

Alhamra and Qatar Islamic Art Museum forge new cultural partnership

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2024) In a momentous event that promises to deepen cultural ties and enrich the world of Islamic art, Muhammad Saad Al Rumihi, Chief Executive of the Qatar Islamic Art Museum, visited the Alhamra Art Museum Cultural Complex here on Sunday.

The delegation was warmly welcomed by Chairman Alhamra Razi Ahmed and Executive Director Sarah Rashid, setting the stage for a fruitful collaboration between the two esteemed institutions.

The visit was marked by an engaging discussion with high officials and members of the Alhamra Artists Council, where they delved into literary, cultural, and historical themes. This vibrant exchange highlighted the mutual dedication to preserving and promoting Islamic heritage.

A highlight of the visit was a detailed tour of Alhamra's impressive collection, led by the acclaimed artist Salima Hashmi. She showcased the museum's rare and invaluable works of art, providing an insightful narrative on their significance. Muhammad Saad Al Rumihi expressed profound admiration for the artists' talents and the depth of the collection, noting his keen interest in the exhibited masterpieces.

Chairman of the board of Governors of Lahore Arts Council Razi Ahmed emphasized the importance of this visit. "The Qatar Islamic Art Museum's dedication to preserving centuries-old heritage aligns perfectly with our mission. This visit strengthens our relationship and opens doors for impactful collaborations."

Executive Director Sarah Rashid shared her enthusiasm, stating, "We are deeply honored by the delegation's visit. Today's discussions reaffirm our commitment to future partnerships to preserve and celebrate our shared history. Hosting the members of the Qatar Islamic Art Museum is a significant achievement for Alhamra, underscoring our role in presenting Islamic history to the global audience."

This historic visit signifies a new chapter for both the Alhamra and Qatar Islamic Art Museums. It sets the foundation for upcoming joint initiatives that will foster cultural exchange and elevate the appreciation of Islamic art worldwide.