ANP Grieves Over Tragic Death Of Iranian President, Govt Officials


ANP grieves over tragic death of Iranian president, govt officials

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) C0entral President Awami National Party (ANP), Aimal Wali Khan on Monday expressed profound grief and sorrow over the demise of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hassan Ameer Abdul Hayan and other government officials in a helicopter crash the other day.

The ANP leader said the death of the Iranian president and other government high-ups was a great tragedy and the ANP was very much aggrieved to hear about this tragic news.

At this critical juncture, he said the ANP and people of Pakistan equally share the grief of the victims’ families and Iranian people. He prayed to Allah Almighty to rest the departed souls in eternal peace.