BISE Starts Registration Of 9th Class Students


BISE starts registration of 9th class students

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) The board of Intermediate and Secondary education (BISE) Faisalabad

commenced registration of the 9th class students for the session 2024-26.

A BISE spokesman said on Monday that students of government schools would be registered

without registration fee up to May 29 while Rs 1,000 would be charged as registration fee

for the students of private institutions.

However, students of public schools would have to pay Rs 800 as processing fee and Rs 300 as sports fee/scholarship fund as it was charged from the students of private schools.

The students of government schools would also be charged late fee with registration fee if they failed to get them registered up to May 29, 2024.

He said that the registration process would continue up to May 29 without a late fee. However, Rs 600 would be charged up to June 13 from each student who would fail to get himself registered up to deadline.