Community Workers To Work In Balochistan Anti-polio Drive


Community workers to work in Balochistan anti-polio drive

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th july, 2016) : The Health Department Balochistan has commenced interviews of community Health Workers on 1200 vacant posts in 26 Union Councils of Quetta. Sharing the details of interviews, ECO representative Khalid Kasi said, Balochistan Government and Health Department took an initiative to intensify efforts against crippling polio virus, "We had announced vacancies on 1200 vacant post of female community health workers, astonishingly more than 5000 females had submitted their application for the posts," Kasi added.

"Interview process supervised by Deputy Commissioner Quetta Dawood Khilji has commenced where Community Health workers would be appointed to administer polio drops among children in 26 UCs". "Fortunately a large number of female had submitted application forms that indicates that they are determine to work against the crippling polio virus," Khalid Kasi added.