Governor Says Pindi Gehb Deserves District Status


Governor says Pindi Gehb deserves district status

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th May, 2024) Governor Punjab Sardar Saleem Haider Khan has said that Pindi Gehb is one of the oldest and most backward tehsils of Punjab and deserves to be granted the district status.

Talking to the media at a luncheon, hosted by former vice chairman Malik Obaidullah Tahir at Pindi Gheb on Saturday, he said he would make every effort to ensure district status for Pindi Gheb.

To a query, Governor Punjab said if the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) MPAs raise voice for district status for Pindi Gheb in the Punjab Assembly, they will find him ahead of them at the gates of the provincial legislature.

About his stance on the recently adopted Defamation Bill by the Punjab Assembly, Governor Punjab said he will take a decision on signing the bill after considering the defamation law in detail and considering the constitutional requirements and in consultation will experts.

To another query, Sardar Saleem promised to convey the issue of prolonged load-shedding of Sui gas to the authorities concerned.

Local political and religious figure Hafiz Talha Zubair, candidate PP-4 Malik Riasat Sadharial, Asif Ali Malik, Advocate Haji Akhtar Gharibwal, Faisal Shahzad Advocate (President Bar Association) were also present.