KIU Senate Endorse The KIU Selection Board's Recommendations For Promotion Of Candidates


KIU senate endorse the KIU selection Board's recommendations for promotion of candidates

GILGIT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31st Dec, 2022 ) :The Senate of Karakoram International University endorsed the KIU Selection board's recommendations for the promotion of the following candidates and officials.

The positions of Associate Professor in BPS-20 against open merit, the following officials got selected: Dr. Saranjam Baig, Department of Economics, Dr. Aftab Ahmed Khan, Department of the Computer Science,Dr. Zaigham Ali, Department of business Management, Dr. Fareeda Begum, Department of Environment Sciences,Dr.

Muhammad Zafar Khan, Department of Forestry, Dr. Qamar Abbas Department of Biology, Dr. Sadruudin Qutoshi, Department of education, Dr. Farrukh Satti, Department of Agriculture and food Technology.

The following officials got promoted on the Tenure Track System (TTS), Dr. Muhammad Ismail of the Department of Chemistry to Full Professor, Dr. Sabit Rahim of the Computer Science Department to Associate Professor,Dr. Fazal Wahab of the Physics Department to Associate Professor.