Wazir, Mehsud Tribes Agree To Resolve Their Issues Amicably


Wazir, Mehsud tribes agree to resolve their issues amicably

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) A ‘jirga’ was convened here under the chairmanship of Commissioner Dera Ismail Khan Zafarul islam Khattak to resolve different issues and disputes between the Wazir and Mehsud tribes.

In the jirga, convened here at the Conference room of the Commissioner's office, both the tribes agreed to resolve their all issues including the demarcation of the Gomal area amicably through negotiations.

The meeting was attended by the elders of both tribes in which after a threadbare discussion, both the participants agreed to delineate the Gomal area’s boundaries in accordance with historical maps from the British era.

However, the participants of the Wazir tribe stressed the need to hold a jirga again due to the absence of their elders in today’s sitting. On which, it was decided to hold a Jirga again on May 23, 2024 to resolve this important issue.

Commissioner Dera Zafarul Islam Khattak said that the divisional administration wanted to resolve the boundary disputes between the tribes of Waziristan through mutual consent as per tribal traditions.

He hoped that the old conflicts between the tribes would be resolved with mutual consent.