Miangul Adnan Aurangzeb Death Saddens Saleem Saifullah

Miangul Adnan Aurangzeb death saddens Saleem Saifullah

Former federal minister Saleem Saifullah Khan has expressed profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Miangul Adnan Aurangzeb in a road accident

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31st May, 2022 ) :Former Federal minister Saleem Saifullah Khan has expressed profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Miangul Adnan Aurangzeb in a road accident.

In a statement issued here on Tuesday, he said that Miangul Aurangzeb was a sophisticated and highly qualified man, who always promoted his native district Swat.

He prayed for the eternal peace of the departed soul of Miangu Adnan Aurangzeb and courage to the bereaved family to bear the irreparable loss with fortitude.