MNSUA Marks Int'l Biological Diversity Day

MNSUA marks Int'l Biological Diversity Day

The International Day of Biological Diversity was celebrated at Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture(MNSUA) with the support of UNESCO Chair here on Wednesday

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) The International Day of Biological Diversity was celebrated at Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture(MNSUA) with the support of UNESCO Chair here on Wednesday. Plantation campaign, poster and video competitions were organized in this connection.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dean Dr. Shafqat Saeed said that biodiversity is the basis of our ecosystem, our health, our economy and indeed our survival. Pakistan, with its vast and diverse terrain, is a treasure of biodiversity. Farmers can naturally increase the number of beneficial insects and birds by planting 15 to 20 percent of their fields with flowering plants, trees and also leaving vacant land.

Dean Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Professor Dr. Irfan Ahmad Baig said that we are committed to advance the goal of biodiversity conservation. We are developing partnerships with local communities, government agencies and international organizations to promote effective strategies for environmental protection and biodiversity.

Our students are being trained through these competitions so that they feel the responsibility of biodiversity conservation and play a positive role in society.

Chairman Department of Outreach and Continuing education Dr. Rana Bin Yamin said saving biodiversity means protecting the life support system of the entire region. We must eliminate or reduce every action in our lifestyle that has a negative impact on the environment around us. Organizing Secretary, Dr. Fawad Zafar briefed that more than 50 posters and 35 videos are participating in competitions. Cash prizes and award certificates will be given to the winning students. On the plantation drive, Dr. Muqarab Ali said that planting trees is important for biodiversity conservation as trees are the key stone species of ecosystem. Prof. Dr. Asif Raza, Prof. Dr. Nasir Nadeem, Prof. Dr. Junaid Ali Khan, Dr. Ammar Matloob, Dr. Ahmed Mehmood, Dr. Kashif Razzaq, Dr. Nighat Raza and a good number of students were present on this occasion.