Opposition Wants:to Create Unrest In Country CM

Opposition wants:to create unrest in country CM

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Jun, 2021 ) :Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Thursday said that the opposition had been indulging in negative political activities to create unrest in the country and destabilise the government.

However, he added, such elements had been fully exposed before masses.

In a statement, he said the opposition irresponsibly behaved during the corona pandemic and disappointed masses. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was standing with the people while the negative politics of opposition leaders had become part of the history, he said.

The opposition had also ignored the national interest, but the government had no threat from it. The government would complete its constitutional term, he added.

Usman Buzdar said the hollow slogan of giving respect to vote had vanished into the thin air and those trying to disrupt the development journey would gain nothing, he added.

Practically, the opposition remained busy in making the usual uproar while failing to do anything for the citizens. It was the reason that people have been disappointed with the negative politics of such dual-face politicians, the CM added.