Police Finalizes Security Arrangements For NA-148 By-election

Police finalizes security arrangements for NA-148 by-election

Police finalized security arrangements for by-election NA-148 constituency as 3829 police officials and personnel would perform duty for the security of 275 polling stations under the directions of Regional Police Officer Muhammad Sohail Chaudhary

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Police finalized security arrangements for by-election NA-148 constituency as 3829 police officials and personnel would perform duty for the security of 275 polling stations under the directions of Regional Police Officer Muhammad Sohail Chaudhary. 

On this occasion, the RPO said that the Multan Region Police will perform its duties with complete impartiality. The election code of conduct issued by the government will be strictly implemented and strict legal action would be taken in case of violation.

He said that the maintaining law and order was the main responsibility of the police. In addition to solving crimes, law and order is also the responsibility of the police.  

He asked the police officials that election was a challenge for you and hoped they will accept this challenge as a dutiful officer of an organized force and would not neglect any kind of carelessness in their duty.


1810 hrs