Punjab IGP Visits Safe Cities Authority Offices

Punjab IGP visits Safe Cities Authority offices

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Apr, 2024) Inspector General of Police (IGP) Punjab Dr Usman Anwar visited the Punjab Safe Cities Authority offices on the second day of Eid.

According to Punjab police spokesman here on Thursday, the IGP and Punjab Safe Cities Authority Managing Director Muhammad Ahsan Younis extended Eid greetings to the police communication officers and other staff. IGP Dr. Usman also distributed sweets among the staff and officers of the Safe Cities Authority.

He said the spirit and devotion of the staff performing duties during the Eid holidays was commendable.

"My salutations to every soldier of the force, who sacrificed their happiness for the happiness of others," he added.

Authority's MD Muhammad Ahsan said the Safe City staff and police communication officers were busy making the city safe. He also appreciated determination of the officers celebrating Eid away from their loved-ones. He asserted that 24-hour surveillance was being ensured with Safe Cities cameras installed across the city.

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