Salik Praises Saudi Government For Excellent Hajj Arrangements

Salik praises Saudi government for excellent Hajj arrangements

Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Chaudhary Salik Hussain on Wednesday praised the Saudi authorities for the excellent arrangements made by them to make performing of the Hajj obligation convenient for the pilgrims

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Chaudhary Salik Hussain on Wednesday praised the Saudi authorities for the excellent arrangements made by them to make performing of the Hajj obligation convenient for the pilgrims.

"We are highly appreciative of the assistance and cooperation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the smooth conduct of Hajj every year," he said while talking to the ptv news.

The minister said innovative reforms had been introduced by the Saudi authorities for the facilitation of intending pilgrims.

He urged the Pakistani Hajj group operators to follow the directives of the Saudi Government.

He said both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were firmly committed to make the Hajj inclusive for all segments of the society, especially women and special persons.

“We held productive discussions on how to further deepen our engagements and especially our cooperation for the Hajj next year", he added.