VC Vows For Development Of Lakki Marwat University


VC vows for development of Lakki Marwat university

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) The newly appointed Vice Chancellor of Lakki Marwat University, Prof Dr. Shakib Ullah on Monday vowed to make all out efforts for the development of the university.

Talking to the media, he said the provincial government had entrusted him with the responsibility of improving the university and no effort would be spared to meet the challenge.

He resolved to struggle for providing every possible educational facilities to the students and meet the expectations of the parents without yielding to any pressure.

He said that the process of reforms at all levels in the university has already begun and in this regard no negligence or laxity would be tolerated.

He also urged students to focus fully on their studies and assured his support for academic and extracurricular activities.

He said these activities would lead to exploring hidden talents of the students.

The Vice-Chancellor instructed all university staff to strictly adhere to duty hours and in this regard no compromise would be made.

He said any suggestions shared by parents for the betterment of the university would be welcomed.