Wheat Being Procured At 72 Centers In Bahawalpur Division: Commissioner


Wheat being procured at 72 centers in Bahawalpur division: Commissioner

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd May, 2023 ) :As many as 72 wheat procurement centers have been established in the Bahawalpur division, out of which 29 centers are in Bahawalpur district, 22 in Bahawalnagar, and 21 in Rahim Yar Khan district.

According to Commissioner Bahawalpur Division Dr Ehtesham Anwar, the distribution of gunny bags at the procurement centers was being completed rapidly. In the Bahawalpur division, 875,000 gunny bags had been distributed, he said, adding more than 7.39 million metric tons of wheat had been procured so far, which is 82 percent of the set target.

According to data obtained from the Department of Agriculture, a strict crackdown had been started against illegal hoarding and inter-district transfer of wheat in the Bahawalpur division.

During one month, more than 52,000 bags of wheat and 54 vehicles were seized and 52 FIRs were also registered. In order to stop the illegal movement of wheat, check posts have been established in the three districts at 31 places.

A total of 103 officers of the food Department, 146 officers of the Police Department, 30 officers of the Revenue Department, and 4 officers of the Rangers are performing their duties. The commissioner has directed the officers of the departments concerned to complete the set targets for wheat procurement.

He said that action would be taken against those involved in hoarding and wheat smuggling under a zero-tolerance policy.