Hindu Kush Snow Sports Festival Ends

Hindu Kush snow sports festival ends

CHITRAL, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 1st Feb, 2021 ) ::Hindu Kush Snow Sports Festival jointly organized by the Culture and Tourism Authority of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, District Administration Chitral and Hindu Kush Snow Sports Club under the auspices has come to a successful conclusion amidst great fun and enthusiasm.

Canadian High Commissioner to Pakistan Gilmore Wendy and Deputy Commissioner Chitral Lower Hassan Abid, accompanied by Assistant Commissioner Darosh Abdul Haq, KP Tourism Department officials, district administration and other senior officials, graced the closing ceremony.

There were also large numbers of spectators and participants who enjoyed the snow sport. In the Hindu Kush Snow Festival, Ali Hasnain, Asif Raza and Inamullah bagged the first, second and third positions respectively.

Muhammad Ali Raza, Samiuddin and Sahil Murtaza bagged the first, second and third positions respectively in the age group of seven to 14 years. In the competitions held between the ages of 15 and 24, Asaq Ali came first, Ameed Hussain second and Mubeen Ali third.

In the 25 years and senior category, Burhanuddin came first, Amir Rahim second and Bashir Ali third. Addressing the closing ceremony, Deputy Commissioner Chitral Lower Hassan Abid said that Madaqlisht Valley is one of the Hussain valleys.

The government has declared the valley of Madaqlisht as an international tourist destination. The move will boost tourism here. Addressing the ceremony, Canadian High Commissioner Gilmore Wendy said that snow sports facilities would be provided for the youth of the region. It is one of the most beautiful places in Pakistan, he added.

The children here are very interested in ice sports, skiing, ice hockey and snowboarding and every possible cooperation will be extended to the population in this regard, he said.

Domestic and foreign tourists enjoyed the competitions of various sports in the festival. 10 foreign athletes including more than 500 local and other athletes are also participating in various competitions in the festival including 5 skiing athletes and 5 snowboarders athletes and experts.