Azerbaijan Launches Massive Military Drills


Azerbaijan launches massive military drills

Azerbaijan started large-scale military exercises on Monday to increase its armed forces' capabilities of conducting counter-terrorism operations

BAKU, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Mar, 2021 ):Azerbaijan started large-scale military exercises on Monday to increase its armed forces' capabilities of conducting counter-terrorism operations.

According to the Ministry of Defense, the four-day drills will involve up to 10,000 military personnel, about 100 tanks and other armored vehicles, 200 missiles and artillery systems of various caliber, multiple launch rocket systems and mortars, as well as 30 military aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.

The exercises aim to improve coordination and interoperability between the army corps, rocket and artillery troops, aviation units and special forces, according to the ministry.

In early February, Azerbaijan and Turkey held large-scale joint military exercises in eastern Turkey near the border with Armenia.

On Nov. 10, 2020, Azerbaijan and Armenia ended a 44-day Nagorno-Karabakh conflict after a cease-fire was reached under the mediation of Russia.