China's E-commerce Logistics Sector Reports Strong Expansion In February

China's e-commerce logistics sector reports strong expansion in February

BEIJING, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Mar, 2023 ) :China's e-commerce logistics activities further boomed in February as enterprises and businesses accelerated recovery, industry data shows.

The index tracking e-commerce logistics activities reached 107.2 points in the period, up 2.6 points from the previous month, higher than the 1.

8-point growth in January, according to a survey jointly conducted by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and e-commerce giant

All the nine major sub-indices measuring e-commerce logistics activities in different fields recorded growth last month, with those for business volume and rural business up 2.6 points and 1.8 points, respectively, from January.

The survey predicts that the index will continue to rise in March, stressing the strong potential for the growth of demand in the future.