1st International SIGN Conference Concludes With Resounding Success

1st International SIGN conference concludes with resounding success

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Apr, 2024) The 1st International SIGN Conference, held at Shahab Orthopaedic and General Hospital concluded here on Sunday with immense success, exceeding expectations and setting a new standard for orthopedic conferences in the region.

The second day of the conference was marked by insightful presentations, engaging discussions, and a packed agenda.

The conference brought together over 100 delegates from Pakistan and Afghanistan, including renowned orthopedic surgeons, researchers, and medical professionals.

The second day featured keynote addresses, panel discussions, and workshops on cutting-edge topics in orthopedic surgery, trauma care, and rehabilitation.

Highlights of the second day included keynote address by Prof Aung, a global authority on orthopedic surgery, on "Treating Distal Femur Fractures"

Attendees praised the conference for its well-organized and engaging format, as well as the opportunity to network with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

"The 1st International SIGN Conference has been an incredible experience," said Dr. Arifullah Arifi, a delegate from Afghanistan.

"The quality of presentations and discussions has been outstanding, and I look forward to implementing the knowledge and skills I've gained in my practice."

The conference concluded with a closing ceremony, where organizers thanked delegates, speakers, and sponsors for their support.

The success of the conference has paved the way for future events, solidifying Shahab Orthopaedic and General Hospital's position as a hub for orthopedic excellence.
