4 Thieves Apprehended In Street Crime Crackdown

4 Thieves apprehended in street crime crackdown

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th May, 2024) In a significant crackdown on street crime, Police have apprehended four thieves involved in different strikes in the jurisdiction of Taxila police station.

According to police spokesman, Taxila police also recovered weapons used in the crime.

The thieves were identified as Waqas, Faizan, Shayan, and Abdul Rehan and confiscated valuables and snatching mobile phones from their possession.

Police have registered separate cases against all of them and further investigation was underway.

SP Potohar commended police for arresting the suspects, adding that they will undergo an identification parade in jail to link them to various crimes. More revelations will be expected after this process.

SP Nawaz assured that the police have solid evidence against the suspects, who will face the court and be punished for their actions.

He emphasized that those who steal from citizens will not escape the law.