Abdullah Gul Condoles Demise Of Iranian President, FM In Helicopter Crash

Abdullah Gul condoles demise of Iranian President, FM in helicopter crash

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) Chairman, Tehreek-e-Jawanan Pakistan (TJP) Mohammad Abdullah Gul Monday expressed deep sorrow over the death of Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi Al-Sadat, Foreign Minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian and others in a helicopter crash.

In his condolence statement here, the TJP Chairman prayed for the exaltation of the ranks of the martyrs in the Hereafter and patience and courage to the Iranian nation to bear this shock.

"With these deaths, Iran lost two great leaders. The Iranian President challenged the imperial forces and openly opposed them on the Palestinian issue," he said.

He said that involvement of terrorism in the helicopter crash could not be ruled out, but nothing could be said until further investigation.

Speaking about the Iranian Foreign Minister, Abdullah Gul said that he was a great diplomat who played a key role in opening the Iranian consulate in Riyadh by restoring the decades-old halted relations with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states.

The best memories of the recent successful visit of the Iranian President to Pakistan were not yet over when this tragic incident happened, he lamented.

"At this time, the entire Pakistani nation is standing side by side with the entire Iranian nation in this hour of grief," he said.