ACS For Laughing E-registration For Transparency In Land Processing

ACS for laughing E-registration for transparency in  land processing

The Additional Chief Secretary(ACS) South Punjab, Saqib Zafar, issued instructions to prepare a strategy to launch E-registration system for property registry in all the districts of South Punjab saying that the system will bring transparency in the registry process.

He said public complaints about corruption and fraud in the purchase and sale of property will be redressed by it

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Apr, 2023 ) :The Additional Chief SecretARY(ACS) South Punjab, Saqib Zafar, issued instructions to prepare a strategy to launch E-registration system for property registry in all the districts of South Punjab saying that the system will bring transparency in the registry process.

He said public complaints about corruption and fraud in the purchase and sale of property will be redressed by it.

He was addressing a meeting through video link to improving good governance and service delivery in different departments on Wednesday.

All the administrative secretaries of South Punjab participated in the meeting.

E-registration system will be linked with e-stamp, land record management system and NADRA, the ACS said and added that there will be no possibility of tax evasion and loss of documents of property in e-registration system Zafar said E-registration would also help in streamlining the real estate business. He stressed to take all possible steps for training of revenue staff and also asked to utilize the experience of the ongoing e-registration pilot project in Sahiwal Division.

In the meeting, the wheat purchase campaign and the sale of sugar at the control rate were also reviewed.

It was decided to take further steps to make the treatment facilities more effective at health centers in remote rural areas and to take strict action against absent doctors and paramedical staff.

It was also decided to further improve the facilities available in government schools plant trees beyond the target in South Punjab and to speed up the plantation campaign in parks, schools colleges.

The Secretary Housing and Urban Development, Kaiser Saleem, Secretary Forests, Wildlife and Fisheries Sarfraz Magsi, Secretary Higher education Altaf Baloch, Secretary Schools Education, Rana Saleem, Secretary Primary Healtcare Mehr Muhammad Hayat Lak and Secretary Specialized Healthcare Afzal Nasir Khan attended the meeting while Local Government and Irrigation secretaries attended the meeting via video link from Bahawalpur.