APHC Appeals People To Observe Black Day On August 5


APHC appeals people to observe black day on August 5

ISLAMABAD, Aug 2 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Aug, 2023 ) :The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leadership has appealed to the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) to observe August 5, Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir, as Black Day to convey a strong message to the entire world that the Kashmiris do not accept India's illegal occupation of their motherland and they will continue their struggle till achievement of their inalienable right to self-determination.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the appeal was made by jailed APHC chairman Massarat Alam Butt, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Asiya Andrabi and Nayeem Ahmed Khan, who continue to remain under illegal detention in the notorious Tihar Jail in New Delhi.

Senior APHC leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, who continues to be under illegal and arbitrary house detention since August 5, 2019, also appealed to observe the 5th of August as a black day.

The APHC leaders through their statements issued to the media while appealing to the people of IIOJK to observe August 5 as Black Day said, "Kashmiris will continue their struggle till they achieve their legitimate right through implementation of the relevant UN resolutions", adding the unprecedented Indian repression cannot stop them from pursuing their sacred cause.

It was on 05 August 2019 when the RSS-backed Hindutva government of India led by the enemy of humanity Narendra Modi scrapped the special status of IIOJK in brazen violation of international laws and norms and usurped all political, social, religious, and other basic rights of Kashmiris after turning the occupied territory into a big open-air prison.

The leaders said that the August 5 illegal action was an attack on Kashmir's unique identity, culture, and demography.

The APHC leadership urged the Kashmiris all over the world to hold protest demonstrations on Saturday against Indian aggression, injustice, and atrocities and to draw the attention of the world towards the suffering of oppressed people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The other APHC leaders including Abdul Ahad Parra, Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, Bashir Andrabi, Khadim Hussain, Syed Sibte Shabbir Qummi, Maulana Musaib Nadvi, Dr Musaib and Javeed Ahmed Mir in their statements while terming August 5 the darkest day in the history of Jammu and Kashmir, said the BJP regime has unleashed a reign of terror in IIOJK since August 5, 2019, by using brute force to silence the people of the territory.

They appealed to the global community to intervene and stop the bloodbath in Jammu and Kashmir.

They maintained that the Kashmiri people are determined to carry forward their legitimate struggle against all odds and expressed the hope that the day will come when they will see their motherland getting freed from Indian clutches.