Bakery Product Prices Set To Fall After Bread Reduction In Punjab: Minister

Bakery product prices set to fall after bread reduction in Punjab: Minister

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2024) Punjab Food Minister Bilal Yasin said on Sunday that the provincial government has decided to reduce the prices of bakery products following the recent reduction in the price of bread. 

Speaking to a private news channel, he said that after a reduction in the prices of bread, the focus was on lowering the prices of other bakery products. He said that the prices of wheat and flour have significantly decreased by 30 to 48% over the past two months.


He said that stakeholders have been given until May 27 to voluntarily reduce prices. "The prices of items such as double bread, rice, and buns should be reduced; otherwise, the administration will ensure the availability of bakery products at lower prices across Punjab," the minister warned.

He said that the decision was made after consultations with various stakeholders, including representatives from the bakery association, different brands and the food authorities.