Brother Of PTI MPA Accuses His Sister Of Selling Senate Vote For Rs80mn


Brother of PTI MPA accuses his sister of selling senate vote for Rs80mn

Ayan Khan , a political worker and brother of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf (PTI) Member Provincial Assembly Nagina Khan has accused his sister and PTI ministers in the KP cabinet of massive corruption, saying corruption was rampant in government departments.

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Apr, 2018 ) :Ayan Khan , a political worker and brother of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf (PTI) Member Provincial Assembly Nagina Khan has accused his sister and PTI ministers in the KP cabinet of massive corruption, saying corruption was rampant in government departments.

Addressing a press conference at press club Chakdara, brother of the PTI's MPA alleged that members and ministers of the PTI were involved in corruption, adding his sister Nagina allegedly sold her vote for Rs 80 million during recently held senate elections, incurring loss and blemishing image of her party.

The PTI chief Imran Khan misled the people who voted his party into power in the province and all his promises and slogans of change proved wrong as corruption was rampant in different departments.

Few days before Senate elections, he recalled, he divulged in a meeting with PTI chief Imran Khan and KP Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak that certain members of the party including his sister were going to sale their respective vote to the Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP).

But none of them paid heed to my revelation which proved right and stood substantiated as 14 members of the PTI including her sister sold out their votes. He alleged that ministers of the PTI were receiving bribes for recruitment in different departments, revealing his sister too sold positions in public health department Malakand.

He urged the Chief Justice Supreme Court to take legal action against corruption and irregularities which was rife and had plagued departments across the province.