Comprehensive Strategy Formed To Tackle Potential Monsoon Rains In Sanghar: DC


Comprehensive strategy formed to tackle potential monsoon rains in Sanghar: DC

A comprehensive and multi-faceted strategy has been devised in Sanghar to handle the anticipated monsoon rains. Relevant departments have been instructed to ensure proper drainage arrangements, clean rain drains and maintain pumping machines in working condition

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) A comprehensive and multi-faceted strategy has been devised in Sanghar to handle the anticipated monsoon rains. Relevant departments have been instructed to ensure proper drainage arrangements, clean rain drains and maintain pumping machines in working condition.

Additionally, a District Control Room will be established in the Deputy Commissioner’s Office to monitor the situation during the rains. Deputy Commissioner/Chairman of the District Disaster Management Authority Dr. Imran ul Hassan Khowaja on Friday chaired a meeting to review these arrangements. All district officers attended the meeting.

Addressing the meeting, the Deputy Commissioner stated that the district administration has completed all necessary preparations in advance of the expected monsoon rains, and efforts to ensure timely drainage of potential rainwater are ongoing across all talukas. Moreover, pumping machines are in working order to facilitate timely drainage from low-lying and urban areas.

The DC instructed health department officials to ensure the presence of doctors and paramedical staff in hospitals and the availability of necessary medicines, while mobile medical teams will be dispatched to areas potentially affected by the rains, and measures will be taken to prevent heat waves.

He directed the all talukas administration to maintain close coordination with the district administration and promptly report any emergencies. Fire brigade vehicles should also be kept in operational condition and control rooms will be established in each taluka under the supervision of assistant commissioners, he directed.

The DC also instructed all municipal and town committees, as well as UC secretaries, to conduct mosquito killer spray immediately after the rains.

The meeting was attended by Additional Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Saleem Jatoi, SSP Sanghar Aijaz Ahmed Shaikh, Captain Abdul Wahab from the Pakistan Army and officials from all relevant departments.